You Fail You Die...

" ok .. I will keep that in mind .. , But who gonna inform master Zhang about madam Leina's condition..?" Martha asked with a gulped..

" I Already did.. " She said , Making Martha turned her head in a speed of light ..

" WHAT ...!! WHEN...!!" She Shouted in fear ..

" 30 minutes ago .. " Aichen answered.

" Today is my last day on earth .. Wish me to rest in peace.. " She said while closing her eyes..

" Don't be so scared.... and by saying this You are making me sacred .. !" She said, As she placed her hand on her heart. .

" That you will know , When Master is here.." Martha said in low frightening tone ..

Aichen gulped down through her drying throat....


It's been 6 hours since Leina wake up. She is still in her room , And Aichen is with her whole time .


Fengli's private jet landed on the runway. He quickly stepped down from the jet ..

Black SUV and Black Mercedes was surrounded his private jet .. The Black dressed bodyguards was standing forming a circle around the jet .

Fengli looked at his PA Jackson. As he came to pick him up ..

" How is she now ...?" He asked in cold tone Hiding his depression to know about her .

" Sister martha said that ,' Her fever is down now .. ' " He answered.

Fengli nodded and sat inside the car .

" To the Estates. " Fengli commanded the driver..

Soon Fengli drove off with 3 cars following him behind..

Jackson looked at the another person who is stepping down from the jet .. Jisoo

Jisoo saw him standing there . She quickly bowed to him as soon as she descended the stairs..

" Hello sir..!" She said ..

" Come let me drop you to your home .. It's late . already.. " Jackson said and motion other guards to go back ..

They all left from there to their destination..

" Thanks you sir ... " jisoo said and walked to the car and sat inside..

Jackson sat beside her and they too left for their destination..


Real Estate.. ( 6 : 10 pm)

Fengli's car reached the front of the mansion. He didn't waited for the guards to opened the door for him ..

He stepped down by himself.. And made his way inside the mansion.

Martha was preparing some tea for Leina and some snacks. She saw him walking inside the livingroom.

Cold chilling arora is surrounding him Making her feel chills . She gulped down trying to wet her dried throat.

Fengli saw her standing near dinning table. But he ignore her and Hurriedly climbed the stairs.. She doesn't matter right now .. All he wanted to see is her. His Angel.

Martha released a deep breath out , Which she was holding since he entered...


Fengli opened his bedroom door and saw her sitting on the bed and Aichen was sitting infront of her .

Aichen heard the sound of door opening and looked towards the door . She quickly stood up as she saw Fengli standing there ..

Leina saw Aichen standing up while looking towards the door. " What happen..." She stopped when she saw him standing there ..

"Good evening, Master Zhang.." Aichen greeted him with a bow ..

Fengli looked at her and then leina. He walked to them and stand near where leina is sitting.

" Leave....!" Fengli ordered..

Aichen quickly followed his ordered and left the room after closing the door.

Fengli sat infront of her and examine her ." You ok ..?" He asked ..

Leina was looking at him .. as She was lost .. She didn't answer him , She just let her arms wrapped around him ... Her sudden action took him by suprise .

He a second before hugging her back .

He took her on his lap and rubbed her back ... Soon he started to hear sobbing sounds from her ..

" Shit...!" Fengli cursed at himself.....

Now, He felt guilty for ignoring her ... He shouldn't have ignored her in first place... But what he could have done.. After knowing her feelings. He just need some time to accept it..

After a while she calmed down but keep snuggling in his chest .. He let her be .. After all he missed her too ..

Fengli pulled her from his chest and cupped her face .. He looked into her blue eye ..

" I missed you .." He mumbled . Leina read his lips and smiled.

Fengli can't resist himself after separating for hours and smashed his lips on her's .. He kissed her passionately.... Leina let him do it like always..

After a while He broke the kiss and join his forehead with her forehead.

" It's been only hours since I saw you but it's feels like ages... Oh god what you did to me...I just can't imagine my life without you ... I don't care if you love someone else.... It's enough for me if you are with me ... I can spend my whole life with you like this.. You being in my arms. " Fengli said while looking in her eyes..

After understanding his words Leina's eyes tear up again..

" Shuu shu !!.. don't cry angel .. Your tears are priceless.. Don't waste them on me .... I want you to smile .. I like your beautiful dimples smile.. " Fengli said while wiping her tears off .

Leina don't said anything and hugged him tightly.. I know how stupid of her .. But what she could do .The love and care she lack for her whole life is coming from someone who forced her to be in a contract.. And is there anything wrong if she getting it .. No right If she is getting something she carved for, then she would love to get it even if it's for a while ..

Fengli hugged her back snuggle in her neck .. He can feel her fever is down.. Her body temperature almost reached it's normal temperature..

Soon there sweet moment got Interpreted by a Knock.. Fengli put her down on the bed and got up to open the door ...

As he opened the he saw Martha standing with trolley where snacks and tea is placed..

He walked back and sit on the bed .. His back was facing leina.. Leina turned to saw who entered.

Fengli motion her to come in. Martha gulped down as she saw Fengli's facial expression. It's frightening. But she took a deep breath and She made her way inside with trembling steps.

She placed snacks and tea .. etc on the tea table.. and walked back yo the door with the empty trolley.. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.. she hurried her steps towards the door ..

" Stop..!" By hearing Fengli's cold icy tone , Martha freezes in her position..

" Turn ..!" He ordered..

Martha's throat dried.. She turned to face him .. She keep looking on the floor..

" I give you one task and you failed.." He spoke while looking at her with his killing grace.. If eyes could kill . Then Martha would be died by now ..

" Remember the rule... Or you forget.." He said .. While leina was unaware about the situation.. As his back facing her .. All she can see was Martha standing there while looking on the floor .

Martha trembles hearing his words .. Ofcourse she remember them ..

" Answer Me ...!!" He said in frim tone while standing up .. Martha flinched from his tone ..

" I reme-mber th-em mas-ter .." She replied but her words broke in the fear..

" And what it is ..?" He asked while folding his arms on his chest ..

" you fail you die..." She spoke.. As her cold sweats started to drop from her head..

" So you remember... ! then how it's happened... ! Answer Me ..!!" Fengli asked in low tone his tone is soo chilling if someone else would be standing there they would have fainted.. Good thing that leina can't hear him ..

" I am sorry master.." she apologised as she quickly kneeling down ..

Leina gasped seeing Martha kneeling on the floor " Sister Martha.. ! What are you doing.. Don't kneel.. " She said while walking to her and try her to stand up ..

But martha don't moved on from her position..
