A Peculiar Abducment!

A loud crashing sound forced the sleek black car to halt amidst the stormy night. The car doors opened on both sides immediately after.

Two tall, dapper, elite-looking young men, physically in their late 20’s, with deadly handsome charm and pale white radiant skin, hurriedly stepped out of the car. One of them had wavy dark brown hair bangs curled on his forehead, whereas the other one had silver hair styled up properly.

The dark brown-haired one seemed to be more impatient from his fretful expression as he ran ahead without an umbrella. Whereas the other one appeared a bit calm, carrying an umbrella with him as he followed him from behind.

A few steps apart from them, Amelia was lying down on the desolate highway, unconscious and facing the ground. Her fair white arms were covered in bruises along with her skirt torn beneath her knees as a consequence of the violent crash. Near the back portion of her head, the highway was stained with a pool of blood.

“OH NO! FUCK! How did this woman suddenly appear in front of our car like a ghost? Damn, did she get run over? The crashing sound was too loud! But… I wasn’t in the mood to kill a human tonight. Darn it!” Reaching closer to Amelia, the brown-haired guy squealed out in a panic-stricken voice, scanning her with his perplexed gaze.

The silver-haired one soon reached him from behind and retained a disgruntled expression on his face. Rolling his dark eyes beneath his large, glass specs, he intensely stared at her for a few seconds, appearing calm.

“Goddamnit! Why aren’t you at least speaking anything, Silas? It’s panicking the shit out of me and here you are standing like a frozen statue! Your silence is making me more nervous!” The brown-haired one fussed out.

“Then what should I do?” This time, breaking his anticipated silence, he shifted his obscure gaze towards him and snarled in an ice-cold voice. “Cassius, I warned you countless times not to have drinks before driving! Now after hitting a human and causing a mess, you are asking me for opinions, you brainless punk?”

Hearing his cold grumpy allegations, Cassius scratched the back of his head.

“Hey, this is unfair, Silas, to put the entire blame on me! I wasn’t drunk at all! Besides, didn’t you see? This woman suddenly came in front of our car like a ghost. Gosh, why didn’t she jump out of the way? Humans are so darn annoying!” Cassius pouted his plump lips, complaining like a small kid.

Without responding to his whining, Silas walked a step closer to her unconscious body and squatted down on the ground.

Frowning, he grabbed her arm and tried to turn her face around towards them. Threads of her long, rain-soaked black hair had messed her face, making it unable for them to have a proper look at her face. Curiously, Silas placed two of his thick broad fingers near her throat and flinched in surprise.

“She is alive!” He observed.

“W-What?” Awestruck at his retaliation, Cassius gulped anxiously and countered back, “W-What are you talking about? I think you are drunk instead of me–”

“Her pulse is running. Her breathing rate is slower than normal due to the collision injury but she isn’t dead yet. That’s unexpected!” His low intense voice sounded too startled from his tone.

“But how is this possible!?” Cassius screamed aloud in disbelief, his eyes enlarging, looking quite panicked from his gesture. “How can a normal human survive such a deadly crash? Didn’t you hear the sound? It’s impossible for a mortal to survive from it!”

“Yeah, I know and I am clueless just like you. But the fact is that she isn’t dead yet. Now what?” His solemn expression grew intense as he slowly stood up on the ground, keeping his gaze fixed on her numb body.

“Why are you asking me? You’re the smart one, so you should come up with a plan!” He frowned his brows nervously, brushing off his soaked wet hair from his forehead.

Silas retained an intense silence for a few seconds and tossed an irked glare at him.

Clearing his throat with a small cough, he grumbled, “By my predictions, if we leave her here and someone else discovers her in this state… it might raise some problems since human rules are bothersome. So, the only option left to clear the mess is to kill this woman and dump her body in the nearby woods.”

“Woah, Silas… you are so cruel!” Cassius whispered a small evil smirk on his lips.

But within a few seconds, his smile faded from his grimace, and he sniffed his nose a few times in the air.

“But… can you smell something here in the air? It’s been bothering me for some time.”

“Huh?” Silas scowled his face at him.

“I mean… I can smell a sweet, fruity scent even amidst this heavy rainfall. Can’t you sense it too, Silas? The aroma is even getting stronger now.”

He sniffed his nose a few times, curiously prying his glances all around them to find out if someone was present at the desolated highway, apart from them. But it was a completely deserted spot at such a late hour of the stormy night.

A dark expression crossed Silas’s eyes as he huffed a sigh, clenching the grip of his umbrella.

“Cassius, I don’t have the patience to deal with your nonsense blabbering now. So it’s better if I just–”

“Wait for a second!” All of a sudden, Cassius squealed aloud and squatted down on the ground, right next to Amelia.

Using his broad fingertips, he softly caressed the hair threads away from her grimace with a curious intention to view her entire face.

As soon as her face was revealed, her fair white skin shimmered in the dark, making her enchanting beauty apparent before them. Moreover, a huge reddish bruise was carved on her forehead, smeared with fresh blood.

Noticing her blood-soaked bruise, Cassius’s eyes began to glow a brilliant blue instead of its normal brown. It ignited a peculiar uneasiness inside of him.

He cautiously brought his nose closer to her blood and sniffed it again a few times. Touching her oozing blood with his fingertips, he even licked his finger with a deviant look prominent on his face!

“What the heck are you doing, Cassius?” In a heavy displeased voice, Silas asserted.

“I KNEW IT!” Immediately with a heavy jolt, Cassius sprang up from the ground, flashing a wide smile on his face at him. “The scent is coming from her blood, Silas! I can even feel it in the taste! She bears the rare sweet blood that we have been seeking so long for centuries! She is the one! And it proves… she is definitely not any ordinary human!”

Hearing Cassius rejoice, Silas grew more solemn and stood numb. Gulping his saliva, he appeared a bit baffled at the unexpected discovery.

“Silas, she can be a gem among our food resources! You know how awfully rare it is to find sweet blood among humans. Vampires crave for centuries to get a taste of this kind of blood and we should consider ourselves lucky. Our prey is lying just right in front of us. We mustn’t kill her!” He licked his lips again while exclaiming his frantic reaction, but his eye color slowly turned to normal.

“What do you mean? Do you want to leave her here like this?” He snarled.

“Of course not! Instead, let’s take her to our mansion!” He flashed a cheeky smile at him while suggesting his response.

“What!?” Making a disgruntled face, Silas shot glares at him through his frigid gaze and almost yelled at him. “Have you lost your damn mind? You are suggesting taking this human to our vampire mansion? Goodness, it was hopeless of me to expect a sane answer from you.”

“I know I must be sounding ridiculous, but she is a rare food resource for us, Silas! We can save her life and keep her with us until the red lunar eclipse and once it’s over… it won’t even take a few seconds to finish her off!” Cassius sounded too persistent, trying his best to convince him.

“But Aziel will never agree to it!” Silas growled aloud like a wild animal, irked. “I don’t have the energy to deal with his whining if we take her with us. And that’s a purely ridiculous idea! What if this woman makes a ruckus for abducting her once she wakes up? You know how pathetic these mortal humans are.”

Hearing his enraged objection, Cassius flashed a cruel smile at him and peeked a small glimpse at Amelia.

“Leave it to me, Silas. I will somehow make Aziel understand and once he realizes how beneficial she could be for us, I bet he will agree to my plan too!”


“And if this woman dares to raise her tone against us, I will make sure to suck every drop of blood from her body until she drops dead! After all, a beautiful lady like her deserves an enchanting demise.” He smirked and quietly bent over to carry blood-soaked Amelia in his arms before he headed straight towards the car.

Watching him walking away from behind, Silas gritted his teeth, pushing the rim of his specs above his nose ridge.

“Why am I already getting a bad feeling about this? I bet Aziel will never allow this ridiculous idea,” he murmured before walking back towards the car.

The night before her 23rd birthday, life took an absolute turn of events as innocent Amelia didn’t even have the slightest hunch, that her destiny was dragging her to the diabolical Vampire Mansion!