Keep A Watch

Looking dapper in their formal suits, both Silas and Cassius arrived downstairs in the dining hall. Though Silas retained his usual cold expression, a curve of an impish smile sliced Cassius’s face when he noticed Aziel was already downstairs, much earlier than them, sitting on the couch alone. Moreover, he also seemed a bit anxious and uneasy, fiddling with his fingers and tapping his shoe on the ground.

Without a word, Cassius quietly reached closer and poked the frown curved in between Aziel’s eyebrows with his finger. As Aziel flinched, he smirked at him.

“Why are you frowning so much this early in the morning? It’s unlikely to see you here downstairs for breakfast. You always wake up after we leave. That means, were you avoiding us intentionally all this time?”

“It’s nothing like that.” Sounding grumpy, Aziel shoved the finger away from his face and stood up from the couch. He was the tallest among the three, and all noticed his giant composure being a bit stiff today.