Pei Jingzhou said, "I miss you."

The unanswered call was fixed at 56 seconds. The line would automatically hang up after fifty-six seconds.

Li Xiwu waited until the 50th second to pick up the phone. The person on the other end said nothing. Li Xiwu screwed on the lip enamel cover and pressed the phone to her ear. Her voice was calm. "Fourth Brother, good morning."

Pei Jingzhou said, "If you have the ability, don't answer it."

Li Xiwu raised her lips. "I wouldn't dare."

Pei Jingzhou's voice was so cold that it could almost penetrate her. "Li Xiwu, is there anything you don't dare to do?"

Li Xiwu said, "I wouldn't dare to do this, I wouldn't dare to do that."

Li Xiwu did not know that Pei Jingzhou had been angry all night. Even before answering Li Xiwu's call, his anger had not subsided. He picked up Li Xiwu's call angrily, yet he was once again angered by her.

It went on and on.