Can't Leave Li Xiwu for a Minute

Tao Jing couldn't help but praise, "Wow—Xie Wen, you're really beautiful."

Xie Wen praised her openly. "You too."

Tao Jing asked, "Xie Wen, where's your mother-in-law?"

Xie Wen said, "She's taking care of Shenshen. She'll be down soon."

Tao Jing did not react for a moment. "Shenshen… is?"

Xie Wen said, "My daughter."

Tao Jing instantly reacted. "Oh."

Soon, the second group of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law entered the inn. Everyone present turned to look at the second group of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Xiang Lan was a fitness trainer. After working out for so many years, she maintained her figure very well. Not only did she have a good figure, but her face also looked very young. There were fine lines but she did not look old at all. At first glance, one would think that she was in her early thirties.