The Mystery of the Past

Han Ping was tall and handsome. When he laughed, he was amiable. When he wasn't smiling, he looked a little dignified. Li Xiwu felt that he was like an old king who had retired from a high position all year round.

Li Xiwu said tactfully, "It's more appropriate for me to call you Mister."

Han Pin took another sip of tea. "Alright, call me whatever you like. I don't care."

Just as he finished speaking, someone was shouting outside. "Li Xiwu? Li Xiwu??"

Li Xiwu recognized Han Qianye's voice. She said to Han Pin, "Mister, I'll go out for a while."

Han Pin smiled meaningfully. "Go, go."

Li Xiwu turned and went out. Gao Yueban asked the cameraman to adjust the live broadcast.