Pei Jingzhou: I Cherish You

The memory chat mode finally ended.

Li Xiwu's expression was normal the entire time. She smiled when she needed to, making it impossible to tell anything.

Everyone was praising Li Xiwu for being so happy. Especially the chatterbox Xu Muzheng, who kept asking, "Sister Li, when are you and Brother-in-law planning to have a child?"

Li Xiwu's expression was a little unnatural, but in the eyes of others, she was just a little embarrassed to mention this topic. "I don't have this plan for the time being."

Xu Muzhen rested her chin on her hand. "Me too. I thought that postgraduate studies was a good time to have a child. When I graduate and officially start working, I wouldn't have to worry about when to have a child. But who knew that a doctor-in-training would be so tired? They stay up late every day and are ordered around by nurses every day. They simply have no human rights. I'll think about having a child when I officially start working in the future."