Li Xiwu Is Too Awesome

Xie Wen was so young.

If she was really happy, her mother-in-law would treat her well, her husband would love her, and sweetness and happiness would intertwine. Even if she was already a mother, she could live like a young girl. Instead of growing haggard and smiling less and less after being tricked into marriage by that man.

Li Xiwu had thought that although she was very prejudiced against Chi Xu, as long as Chi Xu really made Xie Wen happy, she would not change what had already been done.

Therefore, for more than a year, she had never taken the initiative to disturb Xie Wen's life. Even if the paparazzi took photos of Xie Wen's prenatal checkup and posted them online, she would inform them to delete them immediately and not let the outside world disturb her life. However, Chi Xu was not worth it.