Psychological Evaluation, Prevention Is Better Than Precedence

This year's netizens' reconnaissance was really strong!

Just discussing the topic of shoes, they quickly thought of the matter of 'Mother Dragon's Son'. In the end, they realized that 'Mother Dragon's Son' and Li Xiwu's brother-in-law were both teenagers of the same age. They were both in high school and liked shoes! What a f*cking coincidence!

Some netizens followed the clues and went to [Handsome to No Friends]'s Weibo to compare the photos.

[The hairstyle is very similar! I'm not sure. I'll look again.]

[The mask covers the face and the sunglasses cover the eyes. It's difficult to compare carefully…]

[Brother-in-law, take off your mask if you dare.]

[Mother Dragon only clarified that Young Master is not her son. She said that he is a friend who is a guest. Why do I feel that he is her brother-in-law?]

[Brother-in-law and Li Xiwu are so close, and Li Xiwu's culinary skills are so good. Damn…]