The Daughter of an Old Friend

Li Xiwu answered, "Li."

The smile faded from the old lady's face and transformed into an expression Li Xiwu couldn't read. It was complicated. She couldn't explain it. It was as if… she was looking at someone through her, but it also seems like she was the only one she was looking at. But she didn't think much of it. Because this was the first time she had seen this old lady today.

Li Xiwu did not know that the netizens in the live-stream were no longer calm when the old lady appeared. Originally, because Pei Jingzhou had temporarily left, there were fewer comments. As the old lady arrived, the comments became excited—

[This is what a beauty should be!]

[I've never seen such an elegant old lady.]

[This is probably the most elegant foreign old lady I've ever met.]

[It's obvious that she has a temperament that comes from her bones.]

[The scene of Sister Li and the old lady sitting together is simply a visual enjoyment!]