Saw the Truth! The Critical Moment!

Entertainment reporters had always been sharp with their words. It wasn't that Li Xiwu hadn't experienced it before. The aura that swarmed over was annoying. But this was a critical moment. Li Xiwu didn't have the time or energy to argue. "Sorry, I don't have the first news here. Please make way."

The entertainment reporters had no intention of letting Li Xiwu off. The microphone turned to face Xie Wen's parents.

"May I ask, Mr. Xie, did Chi Xu really cheat?"

"Mrs. Xie, do you have anything to tell everyone?"

"Mrs. Xie, you said that Li Xiwu has done a lot for Xie Wen. Can you tell me what it is specifically?"

"Mrs. Xie…"

Luo Ying took out her aura and shouted, "Enough!"

With this energetic roar, everyone immediately fell silent. Everyone looked at Luo Ying. Li Xiwu was stunned. Only Xie Shaohua looked calm. Although his wife was soft and weak, no one could compete in terms of decibel.