An Acquaintance Arrived And Recognized Her, She was Li You.

The name Little You was too unfamiliar to Li Xiwu. However, the voice that called out to Little You just now seemed to be very close to her…

She turned. Seeing the person standing there, she addressed seriously, "Madam Di Xin."

Madam Di Xin seemed to love black. What she was wearing today was extremely similar to what she had worn that day at Lake Roman. It was also a long black knitted dress, but she was not wearing a top hat today. Her silver hair was pulled up high and she looked extremely elegant.

Madam Di Xin raised a smile and walked over. "I'm sorry, Miss Li. I was dazzled just now and saw you as Little You."

Li Xiwu didn't mind. Because last time at Lake Roman, Madam Di Xin had said that she looked very much like the daughter of her benefactor. But Li Xiwu was still a little curious. "Do I really look like her?"