Ask Li Xiwu If She Minds Little You's Existence

The Xue family was not considered a wealthy family. However, they were relatively rich. Mr. Xue was a coal boss with connections in all directions. He had a mine, so Xue Jinzhu could be considered a proper rich lady.

As the executive director of the variety show, Gao Yueban naturally knew about the appearance of Xue Jinzhu in the show. She was a combination mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, signed with Hua Guan, her manager was Li Xiwu, and so on…

He had just called Li Xiwu over to ask about this situation so that he could figure out something about Xue Jinzhu.

"Miss Xue and Master Tang should have contact in private, right?" Gao Yueban asked. He was afraid that when the time came, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would not be too familiar with each other and would be ridiculed by the netizens.