Heartache for Fourth Brother, Gentle Sweet Words

As she said this, Han Qianye secretly sized up Li Xiwu's expression.

Li Xiwu replied calmly, "That's a good thing. Why don't you go?"

Han Qianye sighed. "I don't want to go."

With that, she turned around and left, returning to her room.

Li Xiwu: "…"

Han Qianye only remembered the business of going downstairs when she reached the door, so the closed door opened again. She said to Li Xiwu, who was still standing there, "Jingzhou called you but you didn't answer, so he called me. He's worried about you. Hurry up and call him back."

Li Xiwu was stunned for a moment. She touched her pocket and remembered that she had not brought her phone when she came down to get water. She had come back in a hurry and had not even brought the kettle.

She replied, "Okay."

Han Qianye looked at Li Xiwu for a few seconds. "Sleep early."

Li Xiwu replied, "Okay."