The Hidden Danger of Going on a Blind Date Program, Faced With Exposure At Any Time

Qiao Qiao sent a voice message: [It's President Pei's turn to envy me again!]

After a few seconds.

Qiao Qiao quickly sent another voice message: [Fog Fairy, can I use your immortal photo to post on my Moments?]

Li Xiwu hesitated. It wasn't that she wasn't happy with the two photos. Instead, she felt that she looked too silly in the photo, so she did not want to post it on her WeChat Moments. As for sending it to Pei Jingzhou, she had never thought about it.

In the few seconds that Li Xiwu hesitated, Qiao Qiao quickly sent another WeChat message: [I've already posted it on my Moments. Guess who likes me first?]

Li Xiwu: "…"

She exited the chat page and clicked on her Moments. The first one was the one Qiao Qiao had just posted with her photo.

Two photos with a caption: "My baby's biggest regret in life is not being able to kiss her beautiful face!"