Strong Clarification Slaps the Whole Internet

[They're really spreading rumors now.]

[After watching the video, whether it was looking for someone or saving someone, Li Xiwu was the one at the front. Why smear her like this?]

[I like Han Qianye to be so stubborn! She protects Sister Li forcefully!]

[Brainless and Unhappy are the best!]

[Could it be that Sister Li is too popular? Did she block someone's path to wealth?]

[I almost cried. Especially when Sister Li knew that it would be dangerous, but she still went down to look for Han Qianye without hesitation.]

[And the public opinion that Sister Li is trying to scam Mother Dragon. Since the show started, has Sister Li ever mentioned Mother Dragon?]

[It can't be helped. Mother-in-Law Joy is just too popular. Sister Li is too popular. Those people are just jealous.]

Everyone was feeling indignant for Li Xiwu.