Li Xiwu Saw a Photo with Her Father

From the date of birth, nationality, graduation from the Capital University of Foreign Languages, master's degree in economics, and was proficient in 11 languages.

He was chosen as the chosen one when he was still a university student at the age of 20. He had been in office for 36 years and had visited 23 countries. At the age of 56, he died in the line of duty.

His life deeds during his tenure were all recorded on the stone tablet.

Everyone present could see the monument.

Only the camera could not face the stone tablet. It could not be seen on the entire Internet because this was the most basic respect. If they really wanted to see the stone tablet, it was best to make an appointment to come to the Li Mansion personally.

[I have to go to Uncle Li's monument once in my life.]

[Uncle Li, you will always be remembered.]