She's the Real Li You

After Han Qianye entered, she was shocked by the scene in front of her!

Li Xiwu was sitting quietly on the sofa, her eyes slightly open but unfocused, like a soulless puppet that could be fiddled with at will. And there were two men standing in front of her. One of them was holding a small bottle. He was saying something to Li Xiwu as he fanned the smell of the bottle for her to smell.

It was obvious that the bottle was not anything good. Han Qianye walked over aggressively—

"Mrs. Pei!" Gu Lanshi immediately stood in front of Han Qianye. "She's fine. Wait a moment."

Jiang Ce was not affected by Han Qianye at all and continued to do what he was about to do.

Han Qianye was stopped by Gu Lanshi and could not go forward. She was exasperated. "If you say nothing happened, then nothing happened. Who are you? What's your motive? Let me tell you, if you dare to hurt a single hair on Xixi's head, I'll let you sit in prison forever!"