It's Over. I’m In Trouble.

Han Qianye took a deep breath and sighed. She raised her hand and pushed Mo Yujin away. She put down her foot and said, "Although my son got married in a low profile manner, many people in the circle of aristocratic families still know about this. You don't know because you haven't paid attention."

Mo Yujin said, "That's true."

Han Qianye said, "What do you mean by that? Although we didn't hold a grand wedding, she's still a wife who has officially registered her marriage. As for Xiwu's background, can't your Mo family find out?"

Mo Yujin said, "Orphan. Her surname is Li, and she has an ordinary educational background. Three years ago, she married your son in secret. Later, she entered the entertainment industry. That's all."

Han Qianye nodded. "Yes, that's all."