True Goal

Online controversy is polarizing.

However, there was nothing she could do. All the comments about Li Xiwu's husband's true identity were suppressed.

Xue Jinzhu hates Yu Hewei to death now. She still did not know that the Internet had already caused public opinion. If she knew, she would feel even more guilty. She was so stupid that she was actually led by Yu Hewei to spout nonsense.

However, Yu Hewei did not stop there. She seemed about to say something else.

On the other side, Li Xiwu suddenly put down her paintbrush and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Tao Jing had been focused on drawing just now. Her mind automatically blocked out the sounds of the outside world. It was only when Li Xiwu got up and said that she wanted to go to the bathroom that she snapped out of her focused world.

Tao Jing also put down her paintbrush. "Do you want to go together?"

Li Xiwu smiled faintly. "No need. Continue drawing."