The Most Complete Counterattack

Gao Sisi put her hands in her pockets and looked at Lin Huan calmly. "You took the blame for her. You're so noble, just as stupid as I was back then."

Lin Huan's heart skipped a beat. Just because of Gao Sisi's words, everyone's gazes gathered on Gao Sisi again.

Netizens speculated online: [What's going on? That Miss Lin took the blame for her aunt? Why?]

[What else did Lin Yourong do?]

[I felt that something was wrong just now. Since Sister Li and Fourth Brother did not pursue the matter, I did not think too much about it. Now, it seems that I feel that there's something fishy about the initial matter.]

[Is it only because Miss Lin is jealous that she started a rumor? To be honest, I don't believe it completely. Lin Yourong definitely can't escape responsibility.]

[Damn, don't tell me even Gao Sisi knows? Gao Sisi is really going all out.]