Pei Jingzhou Had Loved Her Since She Was Young

With that, Pei Jingzhou quickly thought for a few seconds and added, "I can carry you on my back."

Li You said, "Why don't you hold my hand?"

"Sure." Pei Jingzhou reached out to her.

Li You reached out her hand. Pei Jingzhou held her hand and led her forward. She followed listlessly and muttered, "I'm going to sleep."

Pei Jingzhou said as he walked, "You were still very energetic just now and ran very fast. I almost couldn't catch up to you."

Li You said in a muffled voice, "I woke up early today."

Pei Jingzhou said, "Then go in and sleep for a while."

Li You's eyelids drooped and she did not say anything. After taking a few steps, she let go of Pei Jingzhou's hand and squatted down to say that she would not leave.