Love Luck

He knew Pei Jiao's password and unlocked it. "Mom!"

Pei Jiao said, "Aye."

Beike: "I said it's a WeChat message from your mother."

Pei Jiao said, "I thought you were calling me."

Bei Ke: "…" She was really taking advantage of him all the time!

Pei Jiao asked, "What did my mother send? It's unlikely that she would call me home for dinner. She's recording a show. She transferred my pocket money, right? How much did she transfer?"

Beike: "Money, money, money. You only care about money. Your mother is introducing a boyfriend to you."



"Don't I have a betrothal? Why is there another one? Does my mother think I have some ability to control two?"

"If you really have some ability, take me to a safe place first."

"Tsk! Hold tight to the thinnest part of my body." Pei Jiao continued to pour oil with a majestic aura.