Seek Help from Li Xiwu

Han Qianye felt very guilty. Especially after Li Xiwu looked thoughtful, she regretted being too hasty this time. If she had known, she would have waited until after tonight to find Li Xiwu's hair on the pillow.

Why did she have to be in such a hurry to get her lipstick! Now, she has exposed herself first!

Li Xiwu was so smart. Once she suspected…

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

It was Li Xiwu's phone vibrating.

Han Qianye quickly reminded her, "Xixi, your phone is vibrating."

Li Xiwu temporarily put aside the messy guesses in her mind and picked up her phone. Seeing the caller ID, Li Xiwu hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Miss Li, save me…"

Li Xiwu frowned. "What?"

"Qi Zishen is at my house…"

Beep, beep, beep…

There was no time to explain anything other than the words 'Miss Li, save me' and 'Qi Zishen is at my house'. The line went dead.