Tell Everything

That night, Guan Suling accompanied Li Xiwu in the hospital for the entire night.

Dao Xi asked the hospital to set up a bed next to Li Xiwu's bed. Guan Suling said that it would be closer to Li Xiwu, and she would be at ease this way. However, Li Xiwu felt bad. After all, her grandmother was already old and needed to rest well at night.

But she couldn't dissuade her grandmother from insisting.

As for her grandmother's question about what she had dreamed of, Li Xiwu did not answer. She only said that she had a headache and wanted to sleep. Hence, she slept until seven the next morning.

The ward was quiet.

Her grandmother was still sound asleep in the next bed.

Last night, Li Xiwu slept very soundly and did not have any more dreams. On the other hand, Guan Suling, who was in the next bed, got up from time to time to check on Li Xiwu. She did not sleep well the entire night and only fell asleep at five or six o'clock.