She Was Going to Country T

However, when he went to Country T, he found out that Ms. Mo Zhu had passed away more than a month ago. In that month, Li Xiwu had changed a lot. She was thin and haggard. She didn't say a word all day and was always alone. She quietly carried Ms. Mo Zhu's urn.

Li Huaisheng should have been in more pain than his daughter, but he needed to shoulder his responsibilities and work late every night to numb himself.

Only Li Xiwu could give up on herself and live every day in a daze.

Until that day, Li Huaisheng handed Li Xiwu to Pei Jingzhou and asked him to bring her back to the country. Pei Jingzhou agreed, but an accident still happened after that. Li Xiwu was unwilling to leave, but she saw Li Huaisheng die under the artillery fire with her own eyes.