She's Not a Sparrow, She's a Phoenix

Xue Jinzhu's face was also filled with anticipation. The expression seemed to say silently: Make it up! Make it up! Let's see what kind of tricks you can come up with!

Gu Lanshi did not look at Xue Jinzhu. Instead, he looked at Li Xiwu and her bangs under the brim of her hat. Li Xiwu seemed to sense it. She lowered her head slightly and covered half her face with the brim of her hat.

Gu Lanshi asked, "Miss Li, do you really want to know?"

Li Xiwu smiled. "If Mr. Gu doesn't mind telling me, I'd like to hear it."

"I don't mind," Gu Lanshi said.

Xue Jinzhu took a big sip of the milk tea in her hand and urged him in an unclear voice, "Then hurry up and say it. Don't say anything wrong. Otherwise, it proves that you don't love me that much."