Sister Li and Fourth Brother Are So Sweet ~

At twelve noon, the official Weibo account of Mother-in-Law Joy posted the closing topic. At the same time, the most popular mother-in-law and daughter-in-law ballot was launched. Half an hour after it was released, more than 600,000 netizens had participated in the vote.

Li Xiwu and Han Qianye's group were currently far ahead in terms of popularity. Min Hanrong and Tao Jing's group was second, Xiang Lan and Xu Muzhen's group was third, and Tang Xian and Xue Jinzhu's group was fourth.

Third place had the tendency to surpass second place.

Everyone quite liked Xiang Lan and Xu Muzhen.

After recording five episodes, Xiang Lan and Xuemu Town had always gotten along very harmoniously.