Choosing Li Xiwu as a Mother

Gu Lanshi weighed Gu Youyou's weight and compared it with the last time he hugged her in his memory. In the end, he came to a conclusion. "You seemed to be a little heavier."

Youyou said in a coquettish voice, "I ate well."

Gu Lanshi said, "The teacher said that you ate too much and have to control yourself."

Youyou said, "Grandma Lin said that eating is a blessing."

"It's indeed a blessing to be able to eat." Gu Lanshi put Youyou down and placed her at the door of the cake shop. Then, he leaned over and tidied Youyou's coat. "But if you don't control your diet rationally, I won't be able to carry you in the future."

Youyou was skeptical. "Really?"

Gu Lanshi said, "So there's only one cake today. There's no second one."

Youyou gave in obediently. "All right."