Pei Jingzhou's Love Is Favoritism

After saying this, Li Xiwu was stunned for a long time. She wondered how she could say such a thing. She looked at Pei Jingzhou eagerly. He did not look sad that she had said that. He just looked at her quietly and guarded her without answering.

Li Xiwu's voice became hoarse as she asked him slowly, "Pei Jingzhou, why did you… like me in the past?"

Pei Jingzhou did not intend to answer. He knew she'd started the conversation at random and deliberately interrupted what had just happened.

However, there was some hope in her eyes. Pei Jingzhou did not want to see her disappointed gaze, so he answered her unhurriedly, "Psychologist Carl Rogers said that love is deep understanding and acceptance. I think that liking is the same."