Taking Care of Children

Li Xiwu answered Xue Jinzhu's call.

Xue Jinzhu tried to persuade her. "Sister Li, when do you think it's appropriate to break up with Gu Lanshi? I think I should dump him. This way, I'll have face."

Li Xiwu thought for a few seconds and suggested, "The show has just ended. You still have some popularity now. There's no hurry to break up with Gu Lanshi. Let's wait for Mother-in-Law Joy to finish broadcasting on Wind Platform."

Xue Jinzhu snorted. "That kid got away with it. He openly occupied my boyfriend's position for so long."

Li Xiwu laughed. "Anyway, it's not real. When you officially debut, there will be plenty of CPs in the future. Now, you can quickly give your brother a heads-up."

Xue Jinzhu shook her head through the phone. "Then let's not talk about it. I'm going to film kissing scenes and intimate scenes in the future. I can't finish giving him a heads-up. It's better not to tell Brother."