Alone in a Room

The afternoon was very long. Li Xiwu was too free and even bored out of her mind, so she went to browse the recent upcoming dramas to see if there were any suitable roles for Xue Jinzhu.

From the looks of it, there were many roles suitable for Xue Jinzhu, but Xue Jinzhu had no acting experience. She was a pure newcomer. It was easy to talk about the role, but it was too difficult to act well. She was afraid that in the end, she would act badly and fall into the reputation of having poor acting skills. It would take a long time to correct her.

And the only way to change this situation was not to play an important role as soon as she debuted. She had to start with the supporting roles step by step and let the audience adapt better.

At the thought of this, she typed another WeChat message to Xue Jinzhu: [Take your acting class well. Don't slack off.]