Calling Him a Shameless Third Party

In the Li Mansion.

Gu Lanshi bent down and put Youyou down. This was the first time Youyou was here. Facing the unfamiliar surroundings, she instinctively grabbed Gu Lanshi's sleeve and refused to let go. She looked around curiously.

Gu Lanshi squatted down and said to Youyou, "This is her home."

Youyou asked, "Is it Pretty Sister's house?"

Gu Lanshi smiled gently and stood up to hold Youyou's hand as they sat down by the sofa.

"Here, these are the pears I bought today." Cai Buqu placed the fruit platter with the pears on the coffee table and picked up another one to hand to Youyou. "You can eat it directly after washing it."

Youyou took the pear and looked up. "Thank you, Grandpa."

Cai Buqu smiled lovingly. "You're welcome."