Take The Initiative and Meet Him

Cai Buqu also said, "Missy, I can't see through Mr. Gu. He's very scheming. You have to be careful."

Li Xiwu nodded. "I know."

"Also," Cai Buqu deliberately added, "no matter what relationship you had with Mr. Gu in the past, it's not the past now. Remember to be clear about everything."

Li Xiwu's heart warmed. She knew that Old Master Cai was reminding her not to be led by the nose by Gu Lanshi.

"That Mr. Pei is very good. At least in my opinion, he's much more reliable than Mr. Gu. But from a certain perspective, you can't completely deny Mr. Gu. If Youyou is really you and Mr. Gu… It's indeed not easy for Mr. Gu to take care of Youyou alone."

At this point, Cai Buqu's meaning was clear. Li Xiwu understood what Old Mr. Cai meant. "I know what to do."

Cai Buqu nodded. "Then I'll leave first."

Li Xiwu took a step forward. "I'll see you off."