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Before the paternity test results were out, the answer in Li Xiwu's heart was close to the mark. She thought she needed a moment to accept it. However, after seeing the DNA proof that Youyou was her biological daughter, she realized that she had quickly accepted this fact and was even indescribably happy.

However, rejoicing took up more of her heart.

She knew from her dream that she had been pregnant, but no one around her knew, which meant that the child she had given birth to was unknown. Now, she saw the child she had given birth to back then, and she was alive and kicking in front of her. How could she not rejoice?

However, when she thought about how the daughter she gave birth to back then was born with Gu Lanshi, her mood sank again.

However, she probably never expected the results to be reversed. Her mother-daughter relationship with Youyou was established, but Gu Lanshi's father-daughter relationship with Youyou was not.