This Relationship Seems to Be a Little Messy

Li Xiwu said, "She just looks very maturely dressed. I think she's only in her early twenties."

This was a judgment of perception and vision.

The first impression that Mrs. He gave people was a very mature and charming impression. If they didn't talk much, Li Xiwu would probably think so. However, after chatting for a while, Li Xiwu realized that the other party should be very young.

And when she said early twenties, she was probably in her early twenties. She was so young. To marry an old man in his fifties who could be her father and only ask for glory and wealth?

But so what if she was rich? Everyone had their own way of living. She couldn't speculate.

Pei Jingzhou played with Li Xiwu's hand and rubbed her beautiful fingertips. "She's on He Wang's side."

At this moment, Li Xiwu had yet to notice anything amiss. She asked casually, "So He Wang is on the same side as his second uncle?"