A Burning Look

The next day, Li Xiwu was going to the company for a morning meeting and asked for leave from the higher-ups. Pei Jingzhou would send Youyou to kindergarten this morning. Pei Jingzhou was holding Youyou's small school bag. Youyou stood on tiptoe. "I'll carry my own school bag."

"Okay." Pei Jingzhou agreed and bent down to place the small bag on Youyou's back.

Youyou wrapped her hands around the straps of her bag and looked up at Pei Jingzhou. "If only Yaoyao would go to school with me in the future."

Hearing this, Pei Jingzhou squatted down and carefully tidied Youyou's bangs. "This day will come, and this day will come soon."

Li Xiwu, who had already packed up, walked out. Seeing that the father and daughter were talking, she brought the milk to Youyou. "You're so happy. What did Dad tell you?"

Youyou held the glass of warm fresh milk. "Daddy said that I can go to school with Yaoyao soon."

Li Xiwu looked at Pei Jingzhou.