So Gentle That One Can't Refuse

Pei Jiao was at a loss. "Mom, who are you talking about?"

Han Qianye thought about it seriously and could not remember that person's full name for the time being. "I forgot that kid's name. Didn't I give you his contact on WeChat some time ago? Anyway, his surname is Qin, and he's Mo Yujin's son."


Pei Jiao thought about it carefully and roughly remembered who it was. However, she didn't admit that she remembered who it was. She said in a perfunctory tone, "I don't remember. I'll look through the recent friend addition records later."

Han Qianye said angrily, "Your memory is bad at such a young age. Eat more walnuts to nourish your brain. It's fine if you're at home every day, but you only know about Makka Pakka outside."

Pei Jiao was speechless. Seeing that her mother was about to leave in a hurry, Pei Jiao shouted, "Mom, where are you going? Are you coming back tonight?"