Choose to Let Go

Li Xiwu asked, "What feelings?"

Yu Hewei said bluntly, "Jealousy."

Li Xiwu pursed her lips and did not say anything else.

Yu Hewei raised her eyes again and looked straight at Li Xiwu's face. She said seriously, "I'm very jealous. In the past few years in the capital, you've had better friends. Before you recover your memories, you and Boyuan can still be good friends. What about me?"

Li Xiwu said frankly, "You're very selfish."

Yu Hewei sneered. "Selfish?"

Li Xiwu took a deep breath. "In fact, a large part of the reason why Gu Lanshi wanted me to regain my memories was because Youyou was with him. He wanted me to remember that I had a daughter. And you wanted me to regain my memories just because I had forgotten about you. Although I haven't even remembered my past, I also know that it was tragic. Isn't it selfish for you to ignore my feelings?"