Bad Fate

Along the way, Beike maintained a constant speed and tried not to let the car in front discover them.

Pei Jiao was not worried at all, because Beike's tracking technique was just as she had praised just now. It was indeed very powerful. No matter how long they followed, it would be very difficult to discover them!

They followed him for about ten minutes.

Pei Jiao clearly felt a little hungry. She had yet to eat dinner. When she yawned, her stomach keep rumbling. Beike was focused on the movements of the car in front of him. When he heard Pei Jiao's stomach rumbling, he glanced at her. "Are you hungry?"

Pei Jiao said, "I didn't eat dinner when I went out."

Beike chuckled and reminded her, "There are snacks in the storage box in front of you. Eat them to fill your stomach. When you encounter Wei Yu and beat him up to vent your anger, I'll take you to eat a good meal."