Hugging Her

Pei Jiao couldn't make a sound, so she gestured, trying to let the other party know what she was trying to say. But after gesturing twice, she didn't know how to continue, because she hadn't learned sign language.

"Don't be anxious. I'll try to guess what you want to say. If I'm right, nod. If I'm wrong, shake your head. Is that okay?" Wen Qiong was very gentle and patient as she coaxed Pei Jiao to calm down.

Pei Jiao nodded obediently, indicating that she could.

Wen Qiong said, "Wait a moment. I'll get you a glass of water." Pei Jiao nodded again. A moment later, Wen Qiong came to the bed with a cup of water. She handed it to Pei Jiao and said, "It's a little hot. Drink it slowly."

Pei Jiao took it and opened her mouth to thank her. The burning pain in her throat reminded her again that she could not make a sound. She lowered her head and did as this unfamiliar woman said. She held the glass of water and slowly blew on it to drink.