Bring Yaoyao Home

When taking the photo, Yaoyao stood in front of Li Xiwu cooperatively. He stood properly, and his expression was obedient. Youyou always relied on Yaoyao, even when taking photos. She had to hold Yaoyao's hand and be very close to him.

The uncle was still adjusting his angle. Facing this handsome family of four, for the first time, the uncle was worried that his photography skills would not be able to capture this beautiful scene. As the uncle adjusted his angle, Pei Jingzhou looked sideways at Li Xiwu and whispered into her ear, "I've imagined this scene many times."

Li Xiwu looked up and met his gentle gaze. "Don't fantasize anymore. When you're bored, look at the photos taken today."

They both took off their masks for the photo. There were few people passing by at this moment. Even if some passersby stopped and turned around, Li Xiwu did not care about being watched because this moment was really rare.