Continuation of the Li Family

When Li Xiwu came over, she saw the cold expressions of the father and son!

What's wrong now?

She walked over with a smile and sat down beside Yaoyao. She reached for the dragon fruit on the plate and fed it to Yaoyao. "You've been accumulating a little food recently. Eating dragon fruit is good for your digestion."

Yaoyao looked up and saw that it was the dragon fruit that Li Xiwu had fed him. He obediently opened his mouth and ate it. Even though his cheeks were puffed up, he did not forget to say, "Thank you."

Li Xiwu stroked Yaoyao's head. "You're welcome, Yaoyao baby."


She had just finished saying that she was welcome when a soft snort came from behind her.

Li Xiwu turned around to look at Pei Jingzhou. Seeing that he was still looking very depressed, she couldn't help but laugh. She retracted her hand and turned around to adjust her sitting posture. She asked Pei Jingzhou, "Did Yaoyao make you angry?"