Pain From Four Years Ago

The scene in the dream was blurry.

Li Xiwu couldn't even see her mother's face clearly on the bed. The only thing she could see clearly was her mother's blue and white hospital gown. It was especially dazzling.

"You're in the later stage of pregnancy. It's not convenient to go out. Don't come over every day. I'm in good shape today. The nurses say I look a lot better than I did a few days ago. I love this wig. It's a color I've always wanted to try but haven't made up my mind to try. When I'm better, I'll go and dye one like it, but you can't tell your father. He'll definitely disapprove."

Li Xiwu slowly reached out, trying to touch her mother. Her outstretched hand was held by another warm hand. Li Xiwu looked up, trying to see the face of the person in front of her clearly, but no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't see it clearly. Her mother's face was clearly in front of her, but it was still very blurry.