He Fell First

Pei Jiao's eating manner was not coy, but she was not too bold. It was considered standard.

The drumstick in her hand was juicy, and she didn't notice that the sauce was on the corner of her mouth. Seeing that it was about to flow down, Wei Yu frowned and reminded her, "There's sauce on the corner of your mouth. Wipe it."

Pei Jiao scrambled to get the tissue, but Wei Yu was already a step ahead of her. He handed her a tissue and reminded her, "Wipe it with your left hand." Pei Jiao did not take the tissue from Wei Yu and looked at him in a daze. Wei Yu raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me you want me to help you?"

At this moment, Pei Jiao's expression seemed to be saying, Can I?

The expression was not difficult to read for Wei Yu. He was silent for a few seconds, then exhaled. Once again, resigned to his fate, he raised the hand holding the tissue and told her, "Don't move."

Pei Jiao smiled.