Girl, Li You (3)

Pei Jingzhou retracted his hand and leaned back on his elbow, looking sideways at Li You. Li You was guilty and did not dare to look at him at all. Pei Jingzhou smiled faintly. "Alright, I'll listen to you slowly quibble. You'd better quibble clearly."

The terrace on the Qin family's villa was very spacious. The light shone on Pei Jingzhou. From this angle, he seemed to be covered in a layer of soft light, like a god descending to the mortal world.

It was not that Li You did not know that Pei Jingzhou was good-looking, but to admire his beauty alone in this deserted place made her feel like she had made a fortune. She smiled ingratiatingly. "Actually, those thirteen letters…"

Pei Jingzhou interrupted and corrected her. "They're love letters. I still recognize the words. Don't try to fool me."