Sweet Happiness (5)

After ending the call with Pei Jingzhou, Li You threw away her cell phone and got up to open the suitcase she had brought back.

The suitcase was relatively heavy. Actually, there were only two or three pieces of clothes. The really heavy ones were the gifts she had brought for Pei Jingzhou. Pei Jingzhou did not lack material things, but if it was too simple, it would seem insincere, so she had prepared many gifts.

One was a scarf she had learned to knit from her mother.

She knew that Pei Jingzhou was suitable for black or dark brown, but she had knitted a pure white scarf. She had failed many times during this period, making it look ugly. Fortunately, the final product was satisfactory.

After all, failure was the mother of success.

There was also a photo album she had made herself. It was filled with photos of her and Pei Jingzhou over the years. There were also individual photos of Pei Jingzhou. They were all taken by her.