Sweet Happiness (8)

Pei Jingzhou opened the passenger door.

Li You knew that he had agreed to take her to see her new house!! She took two steps forward. She was in no hurry to get into the car. Instead, she asked him, "Then tell me, what do I like best?"

Pei Jingzhou raised his eyebrows and replied without thinking, "Friday."

Li You pouted. "That's all in the past. I don't like Fridays now."

"Really?" He laughed softly. "I remember you used to like Friday best. You even said that if you were free to change your name one day, you must change it to Li Friday."

Li You stomped her feet. "Don't mention my dark history. Who calls me such a silly name? Even if you want to name me something similar to Friday, you have to give me a more beautiful name, okay?!"

Pei Jingzhou said meaningfully, "Li Friday. Yes, it does sound like a strange name."

Li You snorted. "That goes without saying."