Sweet Happiness (10)

Li You woke up very late. She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. Her mind was so blank that she couldn't remember what had happened last night for the time being. She thought she'd just woken up from a nap.

But for some reason, she was tired from the sleep. It was as if her entire body was filled with lead and she was carrying two hundred pounds across the entire desert. When she braced herself against the bed, ready to get up, the pain shooting through her body made her gasp. "Hiss…"

The thin blanket slid off her body. She looked down at her body. Her originally delicate skin was mottled. For a moment, memories poured into her mind like the Milky Way. Images of what had happened last night came back to her one after another.

Last night…

Last night, she and Pei Jingzhou…