Past in Country T (5)

With that, Li You pulled Pei Jingzhou's arm. "Let's go and rest."

Pei Jingzhou was about to follow when Mo Zhu coughed lightly to remind him. "Ahem!" Li You stopped and turned to look at her mother. Mo Zhu handed the plate of fruits to Li You. "I washed it for you. Eat it."

"Okay." Li You took the plate of fruits.

Mo Zhu reminded her, "Come out early later. I have something to tell you."

Li You obediently replied, "Okay, I understand." Then, as quickly as possible, she brought Pei Jingzhou to the bedroom.

After bringing Pei Jingzhou to her room, the first thing she did was lock the door, afraid that her parents would suddenly barge in. Although she could not stay for long, she did not want to be disturbed when she was alone with Pei Jingzhou.